Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week 7: Anything Blog

Growing up I have been around two special needs uncles. One is more of a level one, high functioning autism, which means he needs the help of his parents and has trouble socially. Overall though he is able to hold a job at Kroger and make his own dinner. My other uncle was more of a level two which meant he needed constant supervision, had a lot of problems interacting socially, and had many repetitive ticks including asking the same questions over and over again like "When's your birthday?" Because I have grown up in an environment that is accepting and loving of people with special needs, I have involved myself in volunteer groups and my school's TASK programs to help kids like my uncles. Autism is a mental disorder that begins in childhood. It is commonly noticed in children around three years old that have difficulty developing socially. Sometimes they seem to be developing normally, but are very quiet and focus on random items for long periods of time. It is estimated that 1 in 110 kids will be affected by autism, but autism is a spectrum with different levels of disabilities. Below is a picture of a summarized spectrum. No one is sure what one reason may cause autism, but doctors believe that environment, brain structure, and genetics may play a role.  If you want to learn more about autism follow this link.
Autism Spectrum severity

Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 6: Personality Tests

Jung Typology Test: When I took this test I got an ENTJ. I think this test may b somewhat valid if the person is able to honestly answer questions about themselves. I would not consider myself to be full extrovert, but on this test I got 44%. The other are probably pretty true as I would say I'm more intuitive, thinking, and judgmental. This link talks about the accuracy of the test. (it isn't accurate)

Personality Lab: On this test I got almost very in between on everything. I leaned more towards narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. This means I tend to think highly of myself, be concerned about how people think of me, and impulsive/ not sensitive. The first two may be accurate, but I am a sensitive person so I think the psychopathy one may not have been quite on the mark.

Understanding Prejudice Gender: This test said I strongly associate males with career and females with family. I think this is not a very good test because I do not believe this and the test was set up weirdly. It asked me to quickly sort stuff and told me whether I was wrong or not. I think it would have been better to test this through a questionnaire.

Attraction Test: This test says that I prefer guys that look funny or trendy, but dislike buys that look intelligent. It may be true that I am interested in funny guys, but I'd like to thing I would like smart guys. Overall this test is pretty accurate because it showed me pictures of guys and my responses probably did lead to those results.

Perfectionism test: I scored very low on organization and it may be true. I wouldn't say I'm terribly disorganized, but my room  is never clean... This test was probably pretty accurate.

Image result for personality

Week 9: Dear Future AP Psych Student...