Friday, May 10, 2019

Week 9: Dear Future AP Psych Student...

Image result for 3 identical strangers

Psych has gone by so fast! I wish it was a year course. All the information is super interesting and fun to learn about. If you are a future AP Psych student, then make sure you do not get behind on the vocabulary! It is not a lot if you do it day by day, but if you save it all for one day it makes for a miserable night. One of my favorite things we did in Psych was watch videos about things that relate to our unit. I found them so interesting, and it was cool to actually see what we were learning about. My favorite was Three Identical Strangers as shown above. There aren't any assignments I wish weren't part of the class because I feel like I learned from everything we did, but I do wish we would be given two days to do the content dig with just a partner. This way it is a small enough group you don't have any social loafers and with more time we can actually read about the unit instead of just skimming for the answer.

Week 9: Dear Future AP Psych Student...