Friday, March 22, 2019

Week 5: Senses and Stuff

Image result for sense of smell
This week I discovered a cool article about people who can't feel pain. These scientists discovered those with a rare genetic condition prohibiting them to feel pain also lack the ability to smell. They believe it is because we use the same signaling channel in our brain to feel pain and sense smells. This channel is active in the olfactory system, which is connected to smell. Now these researchers are worried that drugs diagnosed for pain that hit this channel could possibly wipe out the patient's sense of smell. I think it is really mind blowing that two seemingly unconnected things could be so interrelated in your body. Also, I will be asking lots of questions before ever receiving pain medication!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Week 4: My Life Story

 On September 15, 2001 at 10 am I was born. I lived in Austin for the first three years of my life and then I've lived in the Houston area ever since. At 10 months I was walking for the first time. At just over a year I spoke my first word, more, and by 2 I spoke in full sentences. When I was 4 years old my sister was born giving me an accomplice. I made my first real friend in 2nd grade and she has been my best friend even to this day.

Currently I hope to do well my SATs, so that I can get into Trinity University after I graduate in the spring of 2020. My plan is to major in business or economics and minor in English, so that I have a good chance of scoring high on my LSATs. Then I hope to go to UT Law School and become a criminal lawyer. I want to marry someone that's my best friend after I have an established career. I want one son named Preston, Travis, or Beau, but if I have girl first then I'll try again for a boy and I'd name the girl Josie. After I have my own law firm, I want to pursue a political career. I'll probably write books and start a podcast. If I love what I do, I'd never want to retire, but if I hate it I'd probably retire by 65. In my old age I want to buy a small house out in the country to have a fun place for my grand kids to visit me at. I hope I won't die until I'm a 100 but when I put in how I expected my life to be this life expectancy calculator told me only 94.

Week 9: Dear Future AP Psych Student...