On September 15, 2001 at 10 am I was born. I lived in Austin for the first three years of my life and then I've lived in the Houston area ever since. At 10 months I was walking for the first time. At just over a year I spoke my first word, more, and by 2 I spoke in full sentences. When I was 4 years old my sister was born giving me an accomplice. I made my first real friend in 2nd grade and she has been my best friend even to this day.
Currently I hope to do well my SATs, so that I can get into Trinity University after I graduate in the spring of 2020. My plan is to major in business or economics and minor in English, so that I have a good chance of scoring high on my LSATs. Then I hope to go to UT Law School and become a criminal lawyer. I want to marry someone that's my best friend after I have an established career. I want one son named Preston, Travis, or Beau, but if I have girl first then I'll try again for a boy and I'd name the girl Josie. After I have my own law firm, I want to pursue a political career. I'll probably write books and start a podcast. If I love what I do, I'd never want to retire, but if I hate it I'd probably retire by 65. In my old age I want to buy a small house out in the country to have a fun place for my grand kids to visit me at. I hope I won't die until I'm a 100 but when I put in how I expected my life to be this life expectancy calculator told me only 94.
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